Debunking 3 Common Myths About Selling A Structured Settlement

Many people who are awarded structured settlements consider the option of selling for a lump sum payment. After all, while receiving equal, scheduled settlement payments for an extended period of time can be nice, many would prefer to have the money they're entitled to awarded to them all at once. This way, they can take care of financial obligations, such as paying off debts and making necessary purchases. Still, if you're considering the option to sell your structured settlement, there are some myths you'll want to be aware of. [Read More]

Make Gold And Silver Left In Your Will Easy For Your Descendants To Sell

Elderly persons who have amassed a significant amount of gold jewelry, coins, or bars likely wish to bequeath the precious metals to family and loved ones. Drawing up a will is advisable, and so is taking certain steps that allow your heirs to more easily sell all or some of the precious metals. Covering funeral, legal, or other expenses then becomes less of a burden. Remove Some Jewelry from the Safety Deposit Box [Read More]